09:00 Welcome ceremony (Lorena Molina) - classroom 1
Presentation of the Conferences (Carme Vega) “La vida mateixa”
9.30 EDUCA SJD y BML programs (Diana Caselles, Noe Pes)
10-11 Simultaneous volunteering experiences (15 minute-rotative sessions)
Conversations around Local Volunteering (classroom 4)
- HSJD (Òscar Galera)
- Parc Sanitari (Marina López)
- Centre Socio-Sanitari (Lisbeth Briceño)
Provincial Volunteering Stories (classroom 5)
- Hospital de Mallorca (Laura Sanz)
- Fundación Instituto San José, Madrid (Roser Manich)
International Volunteering and Fields of Work experiences (classroom 6)
- Piura, Perú (Ana Stanciu)
- Morropón, Perú (Sarabjeet Kaur)
- Cochabamba, Bolivia (Maria Alcañiz)
- Sàhara (Alicia García)
11:00 LUNCH
12.15 Twinning Presentation (classroom 1)
- Twinning Sierra Leone (Jennifer Suárez)
- Twinning Colombia (Amèlia Guilera)
12.45 (aula 1)
- Solidary Week Continuity (Maria Alcañiz/Jennifer Suárez)
- Delegate elections per course
13.15 Opening exposition “L’art de la solidaritat”
13.30 Reflexion: Commitment to the Future / Certificates of assistance delivery / Closure