Last june, 2019, the center's directorate approved the creation of an Equality Commission with the objective of promoting the incorporation of a perspective based on the equality among the activities that take place at the Campus Docent. It has been constituted an initial team formed by 6 staff members, 1 PAS member, 1 reporting officer, 2 teachers at training cycles, 2 teachers at Nursing degree, pending the incorporation of 2 more members coming from the student community ; one from Nursing degree and another one from Training Cycles.
Bases of the call
People interested in being a member of the Equality Commission must meet the next requirements:
- Making a commitment with the Equality throughout the entire year.
- Attending all meetings of the Commission, which will usually be held monthly and at noon time slot.
- Participating in the decision-making of the team, with the same regard as any other member.
- Actively take part in chores and activities promoted by the Commission.
Deadline for applications submission
The submission period can be done online up until Thursday, 31 October 2019.
All applications received will be rated by Commission members and the choice will be made public during November for the incorporation of the two people before year's end.
Documentation to be submitted
Applications submission must be made through a motivational letter which can be sent online to the following email address:
The submitted file must include the following information:
- Full name of the person who is applying
- Grade and year
- Motivation for being a part of the Equality Commission
- Experience on Equality matters (optional)
In the subject line pf the email must figure the full name of the applying person.
Are you in?
Equality Commission
October 2019