Final project of the Master

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The final project of the master (TFM) will consist of an autonomous and individual work, oriented to the integrated articulation of the theoretical contents, the skills and the competences acquired throughout the master, through a research proposal, study or innovation and socio-educational institutional improvement, based on topics covered throughout the master’s degree.

The TFM will develop on the basis of the following planning:

  • Conducting of two information and orientation sessions on the TFM. The first session will provide all the necessary information (policy, planning, timing and evaluation) for the development of the TFM. In the second one, each student will be assigned a tutor-teacher.
  • Realization and monitoring of the TFM (assigning the tutor, the student will deliver, within 15 days, a proposal of TFM and the planned planning (timetable) of the work).
  • Presentation of the TFM (Within the established calendar, the student will present the completed TFM with a minimum of 15 days in advance of the defense date established by the Master’s Work Committee).

Evaluation of the TFM

Research lines and TFM

The Master focuses on three research axes in which the Master’s Final Papers are inserted, and on three areas of specialization.

These are:

  1. Analysis of practice: tensions, dilemmas and innovation.
  2. Policies and organizational frameworks: social, educational and health services.
  3. Discourses and practices in social exclusion.

The areas are:

  1. Health.
  2. Childhood and youth.
  3. Art and social transformation.