The Campus Docent Sant Joan de Déu, since the 2015-2016 academic year, has taught the LOE Higher Degree Training Cycle in Documentation and Health Administration. This is aimed both at people who want to join the healthcare system and administrative staff with a high degree of specialization, as well as those who choose the training cycles as an alternative to the baccalaureate to gain direct access to any university degree.
The curriculum is professionally accredited for carrying out administrative tasks in areas as diverse as primary health care (CAP, CSMA, CSMJ, etc.), specialized care (first, second and third level hospitals), the biomedical and parapharmaceutical industry, etc.
The basic areas of intervention of this type of professional are:
- Patient management: services of attention to the user in general.
- Archiving and design of clinical documentation: archiving of clinical documentation, digitization and computerization of clinical history, design of health documentation, design of computerized clinical history, etc.
- Data coding. CIE-10-MC , SNOMED, etc.
- Research support: technical support for the development of research projects.
- Quality: technical support to health and biomedical centres whose activities are articulated through quality systems (ISO, FQM).
- Equipment management: as intermediate management within the field of administration and sanitary documentation.
The Training Cycle has a teaching load of 2000 hours and, as established in the Legal Regulations that regulate it (BOE of 4 October 2014) is structured in two academic courses: a first course with more theoretical content and a second course with more applied content.
As a centre we offer all the technological resources necessary for the achievement of the competencies inherent to the degree, a teaching team with extensive professional experience in their area of knowledge and a wide range of companies to carry out the specific practices of the degree.
For more information see the Study Plan section.